Tuesday, March 03, 2009

Talent week

It was apparently Talent Week on American Idol. Don't get me wrong, there were some stupid, bad, even ridiculous performances. But compared to the last two weeks it was like watching the Grammys.


Dale said...

I like that they seem to be turning it into a style/singing competition with all the ridiculous remarks about 'it looks like your mother styled you' and so on. Shut up and sing, those of you who can.

That blind guy was overpraised while the girl who sang the Tracy Chapman song was needlessly brutalized in the judging.

BeckEye said...

I was praying to God that Nathaniel would've done the "Will you hose me down with holy water if I get to HOT" line from his song, but no such luck. He really missed an opportunity to camp it up.

Dale said...

One of my co-workers is obsessed with Meatloaf (the singer) and I sent her the YouTube of Nathaniel 'singing' the song and she was at least as outraged as I am that he continues to be on anyone's radar. It's not like he's on my skin or anything though, just annoying.

Melinda June said...

See I thought that Nathaniel was like the guy from Scissor Sisters...flamboyant gay kid from the sticks with a dream to sing...except of course he isn't that good.

I loved that Kristin girl. Sure, her style is a little off, but she did a vampy, interesting version of the song. I voted for her a bunch because everytime I called I got through right away. Not a good sign.

Melinda June said...

And the blind guy is fine and all, but a sighted guy wouldn't get through on that lame-o performance.