Norman Gentle is from a few seasons back. I don't know which; they all bleed together. But he's over there to your right looking very earnest in his headband. But his time has come; so says Coaster Punchman, who has been dragged back to Blogtopia kicking and screaming.
Let's find a new mascot, shall we? Remember to vote for your favorite (in the comments) so he/she doesn't get sent to obscurity.
American Idolatry.
The Chosen One: An Original Recipe Bucket 'O Dysfunction + Lambertesque Vocals |
The Monkey: A Portrait of Misplaced Whimsy |
Idolus Prime: Gone In 60 Seconds |
Howler: Earnestness Via 'Nad Squeezing |
Medusa Ladyman: Doing His Best To Look Like Paula Abdul |
The Snakeman: The Best in Jaw Dislocation |
The Wanderer: All who wander are not lost...but this one probably is |
The Yogakranian: I would feel better knowing where she was at all times so I could protect my vital organs |
Place your votes in the comments. If my spammer friend out comments you, I'm going with the Yogakranian.
Flannery out.