Wednesday, May 06, 2009

Hokey Gokey

Danny Gokey didn't spend last night laughing over his caterwauling performance, he spent it sucking off every single person in America! I hope it felt good for y'all!

It was heartening to see that someone had enough respect for Paula (now with fewer painkillers!) to keep the lights off so we couldn't see her lips but could still catch her flips.

What was up with Gwen Stinkfani? She's not just a girl, she's B-A-N-A-N-A-S and an even more horrifying singer than I recalled.

Thank you American Idol for reminding me that Chris Daughtry's ego is now only slightly larger than his guitar and has been taking voice lessons from pokey Gokey.



Melinda June said...

The thing is, Gwen Stefani isn't a girl. She's an old lady. Old enough to be Allison's mom, for pete's sake. That was like watching a 50 year old woman in a leopard print tube top dance to a blues band.

Coaster Punchman said...

She should have taken a cue from Paula and lip-syched.