Norman Gentle is from a few seasons back. I don't know which; they all bleed together. But he's over there to your right looking very earnest in his headband. But his time has come; so says Coaster Punchman, who has been dragged back to Blogtopia kicking and screaming.
Let's find a new mascot, shall we? Remember to vote for your favorite (in the comments) so he/she doesn't get sent to obscurity.
American Idolatry.
The Chosen One: An Original Recipe Bucket 'O Dysfunction + Lambertesque Vocals |
The Monkey: A Portrait of Misplaced Whimsy |
Idolus Prime: Gone In 60 Seconds |
Howler: Earnestness Via 'Nad Squeezing |
Medusa Ladyman: Doing His Best To Look Like Paula Abdul |
The Snakeman: The Best in Jaw Dislocation |
The Wanderer: All who wander are not lost...but this one probably is |
The Yogakranian: I would feel better knowing where she was at all times so I could protect my vital organs |
Place your votes in the comments. If my spammer friend out comments you, I'm going with the Yogakranian.
Flannery out.
I love your captions and names for the lovelies of American Mental Illness this year. I think we need to let it get past Hollywood Week to make a real decision though.
You are wise. And thanks for finally popping by. :-)
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
Thank you, that was extremely valuable.
hooray, your writings on theater and writing much missed!
Gotta go with transformer!
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